A GCalc clone in WebGL

A Menger-sponge-like subdivided cube inside a GCalc-WebGL window
The paper's example “sponge” constructed in gcalc-webgl

This is a reimplementation of the “gcalc” example program bundled with Racket, which in turn was inspired by a 1994 paper called “Lambda Calculus and Music Calculi”.

Controls are the same as in the original: drag elements to the center, sides, or corners of the main window to make combinations (bottom-left and top-right make applications); right click on a color to create an abstraction with the chosen color as its variable. In this WebGL-based version, you can also right-drag to rotate the main cube.

Note: this WebGL-based clone is unpolished and works okay on Gecko-based browsers (like Firefox) but badly or not at all on others. It lacks a lot of features the original had, but has a few practical advantages such as the ability to rotate the cube and running in a web browser.